Sunday, June 19, 2016

Microsoft to help track legalised marijuana sales

Microsoft has collaborated with California-based innovation start-up Kind Money related, which helps organizations and government offices track offers of authorized weed "from seed to deal".

It is the first-ever association of its kind for Microsoft. Kind has been offering its pot following programming to organizations and governments for somewhere in the range of three years.

The start-up will now be capable work on Microsoft's administration cloud.

Kind's product, which is called Agrisoft Seed to Deal, "shuts the circle between cannabis related organizations, administrative offices, and monetary foundations," a public statement said.

Microsoft told the BBC in a messaged proclamation that it bolstered "government clients and accomplices to help them meet their missions".

"Kind Money related is building arrangements on our administration cloud to help these offices direct and screen controlled substances and things, and oversee consistence with jurisdictional laws and directions," the Microsoft representative said.
